The European Commission has adopted two adequacy decision for the United Kingdom, by permitting to continue all personal data transferences between the EEA and the United Kingdom after the transitional period post-Brexit. The decision in under the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union and the other decision is pursuant to the General Directive of personal data protection of European Union in criminal matters.
The adequacy decision of the Commission, known as equivalence decision, is the main basis for the personal data transference from the EEA to the United Kingdom. Personal data shall be directly shared based on a equivalence decision, without the need of other criteria’s of transference pursuant to chapter V of the GDPR. The personal data processing in this situation shall also comply with the personal data protection legislation, before, during and after the transference.
The additional period for transference of personal data agreed between UE and the UK in their commercial and social cooperation agreement expires at the end of June, and personal data shall be transferred to UK based on adequacy decision since the 28th of June. Decision includes a clause of transience; this means that they will expire in four years.
decision_on_the_adequate_protection_of_personal_data_by_the_united_kingdom_-_general_data_protection_regulation_en decision_on_the_adequate_protection_of_personal_data_by_the_united_kingdom_law_enforcement_directive_enSOURCE: AUTORITA’ PER LA PROTEZIONE DEI DATI DELLA FINLANDIA