After having received some complaints, the Swedish Data Protection Authority, IMY, has began an investigation on the video surveillance of video cameras in a primary school in Stockholm.
IMY, ex Data Inspectorate, has received complaints on the surveillance with video cameras in a primary school in Aspudden in Stockholm. The complain affirms that the school is managing a surveillance 24/24 with about 50 video cameras and that any information on the surveillance has been given to children or parents.
Children and adults which attend the school have the right to being surveilled by a video camera, unless there is not a surveillance interest which overcome the privacy interest of the place. Generally speaking, we can say that the privacy interest it is heavy in a school for the idea that are children to be controlled. The person who control has also the obligation to inform. For example, it shall be indicated on signs of the area.
The IMY revision will include an exam if the video surveillance of the video camera is underway, if images and sounds are registered, purposes for which the video camera is underway, if the video surveillance is an excessive intrusion in the children’s privacy and if children and parents have been informed of the surveillance.