Europol Europol is the law enforcement agency of the European Union and assists Member States in preventing and combating serious international crime. The legal basis of Europol is Regulation (EU) 2016/794 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol). Data Protection The European Data Protection Supervisor is responsible for monitoring and ensuring the application of the provisions of the Europol-Regulation relating to the protection of fundamental…
Read moreAUSTRIAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: EU fingerprint digital system for asylum seekers.
Eurodac Eurodac is a fingerprint database for the comparison of fingerprints of asylum seekers. It was established in 2003 in order to provide fingerprint evidence for Member States when determining the responsible Member State for examining an asylum application made in the European Union. Eurodac serves the implementation of the Dublin Regulation, while these two instruments make up what is commonly referred to as the ‘Dublin system’. In 2013 Eurodac was based on a new legal basis, Regulation (EU) No…
Read moreAUSTRIAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Q&A on personal data protection and COVID-19
1. Can an employer ask his employees if they are in a region at risk or if they have contact with infected people? Employers have the duty of care under the labour right disposals (both in the public and private sector) and must guarantee that health risks in the workplaces are left out. In any cases are part of the health risks in the workplaces also the infection prevention and the virus spread retention in the workplaces. In this context,…
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