Sharing data to face Covid-19 comes as demand and can compromise protection. On March 20, the decision issued by the 4th Federal Court of the Judiciary Section of the Federal District was released, in which the Union was obliged to provide, on an immediate basis, information about patients who tested positive for Covid-19 at Hospital das Forças Armed, under penalty of a daily fine of R $ 50,000.00, in addition to civil, criminal and administrative liability of the competent public agent….
Read moreICELANDIC SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Electronic control by the Chinese embassy.
The privacy has recalled the attention of the Ministry of Foreing Affairs on a tip that has received the Agency for electronic control by the Chinese Embassy, at their headquarters in Bríetartún 1 in Reykjavík. It is referred to the idea that video cameras, on behalf of the Embassy, have created an area beyond the embassy borders and so it covers an extended area. The control can breach all the provision of the Law n. 90/2018 about personal data protection…
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