Tuesday 14 July 2020 Chamber of Deputies and Senate have been invited for the election of the new members, two for each one, the Authority for guarantees in communications and the Italian Data Protection Authority. This emerged at the end of the counsellor’s conference in Palazzo Madama. The two houses of Parliament will design separately, but they will express at the same time on the same day.
The Collegio del Garante per la Privacy member’s mandatory is over for over a year and can continue to do its own activity and “exercise its functions, limited to acts of ordinary administration and to undifferentiated and urgent acts” thanks to extensions, the last of which in the Decree “Cura Ital”, in which “Urgent measures to ensure the continuity of the functions of the Communications Guarantee Authority and the Data Protection Authority” were envisaged. Article 7(1) of the Decree extended the current mandate “from 31 March 2020 to 60 days following the termination of the state of emergency epidemiology of Covid-19”.
In accordance with current regulations, the new College will have a term of 7 years and will be constituted by 4 members who will have to ensure independence who are holders of proven experience in the sector of the protection of personal data, with particular attention to legal or computer disciplines. Those who will be appointed, in turn, will elect one of them as president, the vote of which prevails in case of parity.