The Data Inspectorate has issued an administrative sanction of 300.000 SEK agaist a property company which has led an illegal supervision with video cameras in a condominium.
The Data Inspectorate has received a claim against the supervision with video cameras in a condominium of the property company Upsalahem. The claim affirmed that in the house there was a video camera in order to directly control the entrance of the complainant.
The investigation of the Authority reveals that the property society has installed a video camera which records the floor or the complainant.
In the area of record of the video camera are clearly visible two doors of the apartment, one of them is of the complainant and the other one is of a resident of the house which suffers from complaints and harassments.
The property company affirms that the aim of the video camera is to correct the complaints that happen since a long time in the stairwell.
But the way in which was set up the video camera, at the first floor of the property, means that all the residences are subjected to supervision during the way on their house.
This is particularly true for the complainant and for the accomodation next to the complainant, because their doors are included into the recording area of the video camera.
Even if the company has an interest in supervisión, the rights of residents have not been controlled is more important.
Gustav Linder, lawyer at the video cameras’s group of the Data Inspectorate.
The Data Inspectorate in its decision that is about an illegal supervision with video camera of private in their own comfort zone and that the supervision with video cameras next to doors of apartments of residences and parts of their houses is particularly sensitive to privacy. The Authority, for this reason, has issued a sanction of 300.000 SEK against the property society.