Based on a claim, the Danish Data Inspector took a position under some data protection society of the TDC Group.
The 2 June 2020, the Data Inspector decided the case which involved TDC A/S Nuuday A/S and Dansk Habel TV A/S.
The Data Inspector found a base to criticize the TDC A/S knowledge request of the applicant, when TCD A/S answered the claim for the first time at the request of the Data Inspector 5 month later.
The Data Inspector thought that the Authority lacked competence in the decision of TCD A/S data processing complaints, since the treatment took place in accordance with section 23 (1) of the tender. 1, which is not within the powers of the Supervisory Authority.
In addition, the Data Inspector did not find sufficient way to comment on the Nuuday A/S predictive model preparation in order to address any future market.
The process stopped when the complaints opposed themself to the personal data processing.
In addition, the Authority found no basis for criticising Nuuday A/S’s handling of the complainant’s request for investigation, as the Authority pointed out that it had registered under article 15, paragraph 1, of the General Data Protection Regulation. The right to receive information about the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data relating to them is or will be disclosed, but which, under article 15, paragraph 1, of the General Data Protection Regulation. The right to be specifically informed about what information was disclosed applies.
Finally, the Data Inspector found reason to criticize dansk Kabel’s continued handling of information A/S on complaints after the end of the relationship with the customer, since Dansk Kabel TV A/S processed the information in the form of bank statements that extended beyond the retention period in section 10 of the Accounting Act, PCS.