The report describes training courses, meetings, lectures, publications of relevance and others events made by the network, chaired by URCDP since 2016.
Between the activities in RIPD, there is the creation of the Standing Working Group of National Authorities, whose aim is to deal with the issues related to strategic institutional strengthening.
In the same way, during 2019 two documents related to data protection and the artificial intelligence (A.I.) were published: “General recommendations for data processing in artificial intelligence” and “specific guidelines for respecting the principles and rights that govern the protection of personal data in AI projects.”
Talking about interinstitutional work, it is important to work with the Organization of American States (OAS) and with the program “International digital cooperation” from the European Commission.
The report examines also the main 2019 international activities in which participated networks members like Forum of Ibero-American Data Protection Authorities in Colombia, the XVII Ibero-American meeting on data protection in Mexico and the lecture “a year since the enter in force of the General Data Protection Regulation”, applied into out country.
At the end, the network observers entrance is detailed: the Convention 108 (Council of Europe), National Agency for the Protection of Personal Data of São Tomé and Príncipe, Institute of Access to Public Information of the State of Chiapas, Veracruzano Institute of Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data and Commission of Transparency and Access to Information of the State of Nuevo Leon.
Information on RIPD
The Ibero-American data protection network is made by the Ibero-American data protection authorities, in addition to Civil Organization related to the topic, international authority and industry experts. Since 2016 the network is chaired by URCPD while the Spanish data protection authority is the Permanent Secretary.