The authority will investigate how a municipal building company in Uppsala carried out the legal assessment required to obtain camera surveillance in stairwells.
The Data Inspectorate has received a complaint against a municipal building company in Uppsala. The complaint alleges that the company has installed a surveillance camera in the stairwell directly at the complainant’s front door.
– It is for very important reasons that a housing company sets up a surveillance camera so that a resident and his visitor can be mapped.
That is why we are launching a review of the housing society to see how the current camera is being used and how the society has carried out the legal assessment. Gustav Linder, lawyer at the Data Inspectorate.
In general, housing companies and tenants’ associations do not have to apply for permission to monitor a camera in a stairwell.
On the other hand, the person intending to monitor the camera must always assess whether there is legal support for the surveillance, such as a balance of interests or that the surveillance is necessary to carry out a task in the public interest.