The CNIL, in the field of its support mission to experts and Déclic, coordinator of a network of facilities which work for the community’s digital development, have signed a partnership agreement on the 25th of January 2021. This cooperation aims to support communities through the process of personal data protection.
The context
The local authorities and their groups have started the digital transition of their action (e-administration, tele services, Open Data, online partecipative platforms, intelligence mobility, etc.), meanwhile is increasing the level of awareness of citizens about the need to protect information about them.
At the same time, informatic attacks are increasing and they could mine the integrity, the confidentiality and the availability of those information.
In order to guarantee the personal data protection of its users, municipalities and inter municipalities authorities shall adopt technical and organizational measures and be able to demonstrate to provide an optimal level of security for their data which are entrusted to them.
In this context the CNIL, in the field of its data processors support mission, and Déclic, that brings together public operators of digital services (OPSN) by putting together information, instruments, control and resources, wanted to connect their efforts. Their common aim: support local authorities in their efforts in order to respect the legal mark of data protection.
In order to contribute in a more efficient way to the GDPR implementation in municipalities and into the inter municipalities authorities, in particular into the smaller ones, are required different actions during the next three years.
Déclic association will promote the development of bundled services of data protection officers offered by its member structures:
- by forming design delegates and by promoting the collaborative work by assisting the network;
- by putting at their disposals useful resources, in particular documentary;
- by centralizing structural issues or questions identificated with their members and offering a first level of response.
At the same time, the CNIL will sustain Déclic in its efforts:
- by contributing to the development of instruments, practical facts sheets and models which can be provided by Déclic;
- by participating to meetings and national policy organized by Déclic;
- by offering the legal and technical support to face problems referred to it.
Marie-Laure Denis, the CNIL president says: “the territorial network on which the Déclic association acts, will help CNIL, thanks to this partnership, to bring small municipalities closer to the compliance with the GDPR”.
Emmanuel Vivé, the Déclic president:
“In order to facilitate the practical and legal implementation of the GDPR into communities, software and educational instruments have been identified as fundamental into Déclic initiatives.
For this reason, it was essential to get closer to CNIL, in order to have a practical help to sustain and develop our work and increase the compliance of all the communities.
About Déclic
Since 2006 Déclic association mixes together public operators of digital services (more than forty OPSN of different types: association, GIP, departmental technical agencies and joint unions) by supporting local bodies and their groups in the use of information and communication for managing their activities. It meets the following aims:
- the creation of a OPN exchange network;
- sharing experiences, information, instruments and resources;
- the pooling of technological and regulatory intelligence
- keeping in mind the legal aspects connected to IT;
- promote and sustain the development of supporting IT services shared;
- the legitimation of structures as an interface between institutional partners and communities;
- work in complete independence from solution providers;
- moralization and transpance in commercial practices;
- the stimulation of diversity of supply and the development of alternative cooperative solutions in case of supply failure.