The Authority as a response to any questions that it might receive on when a citizen has the obligation to show a certificate that he/she has been vaccinated or has a quick test or a PCR negative or that he/she has been infected and then cured by Covid-19, shall clarify the following:
- Certificates are health data and, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation, shall be subjected to a better protection.
- Employees have the obligation to own certificates of negative rapid test or PCR, in the field of Decree in working places, have not the obligation to present or shown then to their employer but inform him/her on the result.
- In this phase, the vaccinated employee and exempted to the obligation to be submitted to a rapid test or PCR, for a certain period shall inform the employer, but he/she is not obliged to present any certificate.
- In each case, the person obliged to have this certificated is responsible of the proof.
- Citizens owner of this certificate, if required, have the obligation to show them to Inspectors or Police Forces in the field of compliance controls to applicable Decrees.
- Except for the relevant inspector or the police, no one has the right to ask a citizen any certificate, neither for entry in a premise, nor for any other purpose.