The Data Protection Office confirmed the decision of the Czech radio concerning the partial denial of information according to the Law on Free Access to Information. It was a question about the quantity of the salary and other supplements for specific registers, that the radio gave in anonymous.
After having controlled the question and all the tests relating to the context, the office, as a Competent Appeal Body, came to the conclusion that the partial refusal of the question was justified. Anyway, also for these people, the legislation or the relevant jurisprudence does not require an absolute denial of the privacy right. At this point, it was necessary doing a proportionality test.
The Czech radio provided the requester data about salary and other supplements of a single administrator, anyway it excluded personal data. This procedure was assessed as proportional and justified after the proportionality test.
Subsequently, the ÚOOÚ also confirmed that the criterion of necessity and proportionality is not fulfilled in the case in question for the provision of personal data of data subjects. The Czech radio procedure has kept the maximum of both in the conflict of permanent rights, namely the applicant’s right to information on the one hand and the rights of the persons concerned on the other.