The president Jiří Kaucký: power of the data protection Office into the decisional process according to the legislation on the information free access.
The debate born during the upcoming amendment to the law on information free access, which aims to give back the power to responsible for obliged subjects.
I think that the amendment to the law on the information was effectively under way, because the last application practice does not always permit the exercise of the information right. The actual practice of the Office confirms that this article was not included into the system – has underlined the President of the Office Jiří Kaucký, who, anyway does not agree with the affirmation under which the actual position of the Office is not systematic. In many European countries, it happens that the Supervisory Data Protection Authorities also carry out an information program to some extent.
The complete declaration of Jiří Kaucký on the previous modification of the legislation on the free access to information is available as follows.