The Office of the Personal Data Protection Authority publishes its opinion on the possible usage of the digital green certificate, the so called CovidPass, that by its own represents a fundamental privacy breach.
The Office recalls the attention on possible risks which can arise from the introduction of the vaccination passports, which shall be faced with Relevant Czech Authorities in the eventual preparation to the next national legislation if they desire using a digital green certificate or a similar methods in order to guarantee the access to structures for designed group of persons.
Also the European Data Protection Board and the European Data Protection Supervisor have shared their own opinion on these passports. They underline that the digital green certificate shall be in compliance with the European Data Protection Legislation.
At the same time, both the institutions underline that the usage of the digital green certificate shall not bring to direct or indirect discrimination towards people and shall be in compliance with the need, efficiency and proportionality principles.
By mentioning the need to mitigate risks for fundamental rights of persons, including its possible use for different purposes in order to facilitate the free movement among European member States.
Given the nature of the measures proposed, they called for a comprehensive legal framework and the use of so-called vaccination passports should not lead to the creation of any kind of central database of personal data at EU level.
The full opinion of the Data Protection Office: