School closure and school event are at hand, but when you can not reunite in big meetings, streaming can be a solution,
Read some good advice on what to take into account in terms of data protection.
The beginning of the coronavirus caused changes in concluding events of different educational structures. The guidelines of the health authorities include restriction on how many people can attend events. So, live streaming can be a practical solution for educational institutes.
Since on livestream there will be identifiable people, the area is subjected to data protection legislation (including the GDPR) and so it is necessary to take into account some reflections. The Data Protection Authorities provided a good advices for the educational institutes that are considering the live streaming:
- Live streaming only to the extent necessary for the purpose, e.g. only during parts of the event.
- Provide transparency on the handling of personal data by providing comprehensive information in advance: employees, students/students and relatives.
- Set clear signs/directions with information about shooting and shooting.
- Create zones where there are no shootings.
- If the sole purpose is live streaming, do not record and archive the movie.
- Please note that children enjoy special protection under data protection rules.
- Be aware if specific categories of personal data are processed, e.g. health information.
- Restrict access to the stream, e.g. access to a website, Lectio, Aula or
- Implement appropriate technical measures to ensure adequate information protection.
- Establish guidelines for the management of the rights of those concerned, e.g. how to handle a streaming objection from an interested person.
- Engage your school’s data protection consultant.