“Connected cars” arise a series of questions on personal data protection, because their usage can involve the recollection of personal data of drivers and passengers. The EDPB has underline these problems in an orienting paper on the argument.
More and more cars are called connected, where data on, for example, engine performance, habits and moods of usage of the driver can be recollected and processed in other ways. These data are personal data, because they refer to driver or to passengers of the car, and some personal data protection problems arise connected to “connected cars”.
These problems have been underlined by the EDPB in a orienting paper:
edpb_guidelines_202001_connected_vehicles_v2.0_adopted_enThe guideline is addresses to car’s producers and other professionals which are working with connected cars, but it is also important for users who desire to be informed on personal data protection questions connected to the usage of connected cars.
Personal data protection privacy
A lot of personal data protection problems connected to connected cars are comparable to these one of cell phone, for example: download app, track the position, unlock the phone with biometric data, etc.
It is about a wide and complex field to browser in terms of personal data protection.
The guidelines of the EDPB examine the main personal data protection legislation problems of connected cars, including the lack of sharing around the recollection and the personal data processing and the lack of quality of the consent into the personal data processing, and then provides a series of recommendation on how to face and minimize these problems.