The Government has named today the Doc. Anu Talus, Personal Data Protection Commissioner, from the 1 of November 2020, when the actual Data Protection Commissioner, Reijo Aarnio, will retire. The term of office will be five years. Talus was an assistant of the personal data protection officer at the Data Protection Commissioner Office in August 2019.
In her actual role of Data Protection Assistance, Talus deals basically with questions about the private sector and cross-border process of personal data. Talus has already worked, among other things, as legislative advisor at the Ministry of Justice and as an EU specialist.
The EDPS (European Data Protection Supervisor) controls the data protection legislation respect and manages the office of the EDPS.
The EDPS duties include the rights sensibilization and obligation related to personal data protection process and the provision of advice on legal and administrative reforms.
The Personal Data Commissioner cooperates with the Data Protection Authorities of other countries and represents the Finland into the EDPB (European Data Protection Board).
People’s lives are today more and more in a digital world and a society which is digitizing at a fast pace. Personal data protection is a fundamental part of this evoluted world. I think that in the future international cooperation will be an even more important part of the work of data protection guarantors – Talus.
Ten people have applied for the position of Data Protection Officer.