With the decision of the 8th July 2021, the Restricted Committee of the CNIL has closed the order pronounced against AMAZON EUROPE CORE on the 7th December 2020.
On the 7th December 2020, in addition to have been sanctioned with a fine of 35 million euro, the Restricted Committee fo the CNIL has ordered to AMAZON EUROPE CORE, within six months, to inform in a clear and complete way data subjects, for example by a informative banner that appears when the internet user arrives for the first time on the website “Amazon.fr”, not matter what page he/she has visited firstly:
- precise purposes of all the cookies that are submitted to the consent;
- ways that they have in order to reject them
in the light of the responses provided by AMAZON EUROPE CORE in terms and considering having met the order, the Restricted Committee has decided to close the proceeding on the 8th of July 2021.
This closure refers to the perimeter of the injunction which has been pronounced by the Restricted Committee with order on the 7th of December 2020.
Inserted before the end of the adequacy period, which has been left to CNIL authors, the Restricted Committee has not examined the compliance of the informative banner on the website “Amazo.fr” with new cookie’s rules, connected to the consent, which are informed by guidelines and by the recommendation of the 17th September 2020.
This decision of the closure does not undermine the analysis by the CNIL on the compliance of the website “Amazon.fr” to these requirements, according to which the user shall have the possibility to reject cookies with the same facility as accept them. The CNIL reserves the right to control these rejection methods and, if it is necessary, to mobilize all its repressive chain.