The fifth edition of the CNIL-Inria Privacy Award begins on July 1, 2020. This European prize is intended to reward a scientific article on the protection of personal data and privacy published between January 2018 and June 2020.
What work is affected by this award?
This award is intended to promote research on the subject of data protection and to raise awareness among the scientific community, citizens and policy makers on these issues.
The article must be the result of work carried out at least in part in a research centre located on the territory of the European Union and must necessarily deal with the improvement of the protection of personal data or privacy.
The article, written in French or English, may focus on a basic research result, a technical innovation, a didactic presentation of the state of the art or an approach to fostering interdisciplinarity. The award-winning work must be able to be communicated in terms accessible to a non-scientific public.
The themes of the article may be, but not exhaustive:
- privacy by design;
- Transparency of algorithms
- Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs)
anonymization - Analysis of privacy risks
- Control over personal data
- Accountability
- issues and technical solutions for the implementation of the GDPR.
How do I apply?
Full application files must be submitted to the Easychair platform by midnight on September 18, 2020.
The rules of the competition are specified in the rules available here.
For further information you can contact us at: price.cnil-inria[at]
The jury will include several qualified people from the research world, and will be co-organized by two co-chairs, Nataliia Bielova (Inria, PRIVATICS team) and François Pellegrini (CNIL) with two vice-presidents of the jury, Nicolas Anciaux (Inria, team PETRUS) and Félicien Vallet (CNIL).