The Federal Commissioner of Personal Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI), asks for the app Corona-Warn (CWA) can be used also for the registration in shops and restaurants: the Corona Warn is force since the update 2.0 – App a well-functioning and at the same time privacy-friendly cluster detection.
Federal states shall open their regulation in order that even a digital check-in pseudonym is legally possible.
Protection Act permits to federal states to recollect personal data in order to fight against pandemic. Anyway, the BfDI clarifies that this does not mean that personal data need to be recollected. The Corona Warn app has already 27 million users which can be warned faster and easily. If other countries adapt their legislation, we will improve the health protection and data protection at the same time.
An opening of state regulations for the Corona Warn app would also lift health authorities, which currently only very rarely access contact details of shops and restaurants, how the CWA would inform all users without passing by the health department. The Authority also calls for further continuous development of the app: automatic cluster recognition is also possible.
The more people participate, the greater the benefit for all of us by immediately breaking the chains of infection.
In a resolution of 29 April, the Conference of Independent Data Protection Authorities of Federal and State Governments also recommended that federal states consider further steps to address the possibilities of updating the Corona Warn app.
Other recording channels should still be maintained. This means that they remain both a check-in with other registration apps and the specification of the contact details in paper format.