CCTV on domestic property
Published On:Tuesday, September 22, 2020
The Commissioner has published a News Release regarding CCTV installed on domestic property and the extent of the statutory remit of the Commissioner with regard to such CCTV.
Surveillance equipment
Surveillance equipment records the activities of people alive and includes CCTV, wearable devices, dash cams, doorbell cameras, ANPR, vehicle tracking devices, action cams, audio recording devices, etc.
The term “CCTV” is used to cover such equipment or devices.
The Commissioner does not authorise or issue licences for the use of CCTV.
If CCTV is installed on or in:
Non-domestic properties;
Commercial vehicles;
Domestic properties if it covers an area outside the border For example, common areas or public pavements, roads etc. . ; O
Used for purposes other than “purely personal or domestic activities”.
For example, wearable devices used in connection with company operations
you must comply with data protection legislation and you are obliged to:
Make and maintain a registration in the register (subject to an annual fee)
Respect the rights of persons, such as access, cancellation, etc..
Provide details to the public about who you are and how you can be contacted, e.g. install posters
Be able to demonstrate compliance with data protection legislation
Cooperate with the Commissioner’s investigation of any complaint that may be made about the CCTV and its use