Codes of conduct: approved by the Italian Data Protection Authority for the ODM accreditation.
With the 10 June 2020 n. 98 measure – in course of publication on the Official Journal – the Italian DPA has definitely approved the requirement for the ODM accreditation of codes of conducts provided by the European Regulation. The requirements has been already subjected to the written exam of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) in the opinion adopted the 25 of May 2020.
The ODM accreditation – which constitutes the necessary conditions for the adoption of a codes of conduct from the Italian DPA – is achieved only if the organism proves to have specific requirements.
Among them: to be able to fulfil their control tasks with full independence and impartiality; have documented procedures to manage the risk of any conflicts of interest for the duration of your term; have an appropriate level of expertise for the proper performance of your control tasks in relation to the specific code of conduct; have procedures to assess the eligibility of holders and processors to adhere to and apply the code of conduct; to be able to manage in a transparent and impartial manner complaints relating to breaches of the code of conduct by members.
From this moment, this requirements will make a reference model for association which, in different sectors, wish to submits their codes of conduct for the Italian DPA approval.