The online meeting for the participants to the eleventh edition of the educational national program “your data – your case” opens a series of events organized in connexion with the actuation of the program UODO during the scholar year 2020/2021.
The two days event, which will take place in Varsavia from the 15 to the 16 of October, is addressed to schools and education institutions which have presented the request of participation to the eleventh edition of the program. This year, more than 350 schools have joined the program.
ABC processing of personal data in schools.
The event is an opportunity to present the legal bases of the personal data processing, with particular attention to the relative disposals to the educational sector and some issues reported by the scholar data protection officers.
The first day of the seminar will be dedicated to the explanation of the main issues related to the safe personal data processing, in particular talking about the use of the newest technologies by schools and the need to protect the digital identity.
In addition, the meeting program requires the introduction of directors in scholar institutions and of professors on key points about personal data breaches reported by the schools. The UODO experts will present also the international activities taken for the educational institutions, which contributes to raise awareness of professors and students on personal data protection and the privacy right.
During the second training day, there will be some laboratories, during which it will be presented all the specific projects which were realized during the last program edition.
Information about the
UODO program.
The aim of the educational UODO program is to increase the awareness of personal data protection and the privacy right among professors and students. For many years the UODO program has been a source of inspiration for professors, students and parents who, by participating in, reveal how to teach children the personal data protection principles since the youth age, by sharing difficult contents during lessons, speeches and by using games and activities. SOURCE: AUTORITA’ PER LA PROTEZIONE DEI DATI DELLA POLONIA – UODO