On January 28, 2025, the Personal Data Protection Agency marked the European Data Protection Day for the 19th time by organizing the conference ” What does artificial intelligence bring us?” , focusing on the benefits and risks associated with the development and use of artificial intelligence. “The General Data Protection Regulation and the Regulation on Artificial Intelligence are inextricably linked – compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation is a fundamental prerequisite for the development of AI that is ethical, lawful and…
Read moreDANISH SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: participates in AI Board Subgroups
As part of the preparation of guidelines for AI technology in the EU, the Danish Data Protection Authority participates in a number of working groups aimed at protecting citizens’ rights and privacy. Artificial intelligence (AI) can create great opportunities, but it is important to set clear frameworks to protect citizens’ rights and privacy. That is why the Danish Data Protection Authority actively contributes to the important European work to ensure the responsible use of artificial intelligence. The Danish Data Protection…
Read moreSPANISH SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: The AEPD participates in the second edition of the European Blockchain Sandbox, a project of the European Commission to offer legal certainty
The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) participates in the second edition of the European Blockchain Sandbox, an initiative of the European Commission that aims to provide a framework for regulators, supervisory authorities and entrepreneurs with projects that use blockchain to participate in a regulatory dialogue, identify obstacles and increase the legal certainty of these innovative technological solutions, offering guidance in a secure and confidential environment. The blockchain projects selected to participate in the initiative receive legal advice from experts and…
Read moreNORWEGIAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Two AI projects selected for the first round of the regulatory sandbox
After a review of the 23 applications received, the Danish Data Protection Authority and the Digital Agency have now selected two AI projects for a course in the sandbox. It will be Tryg Forsikring and Systematic (together with a number of municipalities) that will be included in the first two processes in the regulatory sandbox for AI. They have been selected from 23 applications. In the selection process, the Danish Data Protection Authority and the Danish Agency for Digitalisation have…
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