With the announcement of the end of “third-party cookies” in the Chrome browser next year, digital advertising business models are in full upheaval. In this context, the CNIL commissioned an economic study of the possible consequences of this development and presents the main conclusions. Digital advertising will tomorrow, even more than today, be at the heart of French media financing: according to a recent study commissioned by Arcom, digital advertising will represent 65% of the advertising market by 2030. In…
Read moreGERMAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: BfDI among the most innovative supervisory authorities
On 20 June, the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) was named one of the five most innovative supervisory authorities out of 50 participating authorities by the “European Blockchain Sandbox” initiative. The European Commission’s pan-European initiative deals with use cases of distributed ledger technologies (DLT). The aim is to achieve greater legal certainty for solutions that rely on blockchain technology. The BfDI was honoured during a public webinar together with four other supervisory authorities. Further information…
Read moreDANISH SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: New regulatory sandbox for AI
As part of the government’s digitalisation strategy, the Danish Data Protection Agency, in collaboration with the Danish Agency for Digitisation, is establishing a regulatory sandbox for AI, where companies and authorities can access relevant expertise and guidance on GDPR when developing or using AI solutions. It can be difficult for companies and authorities to navigate what is possible and permitted within the regulatory framework and where the boundaries lie when it comes to developing and using AI solutions. Therefore, the…
Read moreNORWEGIAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Seven sandboxes gathered in Switzerland
At the turn of the month, the “First AI Sandbox Summit” was organised in Zurich, Switzerland. The aim is to share and create knowledge about how sandbox methods can strengthen the development of responsible artificial intelligence. The Data Protection Authority was there, contributing with experience and curiosity. For the first time, a gathering was organised for sandboxes or sandbox-like initiatives that are working to help put artificial intelligence innovation in Europe on an ethical and responsible track. The initiative came…
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