Online police patrols in the form of digital roBOTs to detect possible child abuse. And a new type of facial recognition that will be more privacy-friendly than existing biometric methods. These are the headlines for two new projects selected for the Norwegian Data Protection Authority’s AI sandbox. Both projects delve deeply into areas that the Data Protection Agency and society in general need a lot of knowledge and openness about. Both projects have the potential to be both demanding and…
Read moreNORWEGIAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Webinar: How should we keep the algorithms in mind?
Can an algorithm, which is supposed to predict heart failure, behave discriminatingly? Is it a symptom of injustice if this AI tool has an easier time diagnosing one type of patient, rather than others? These are questions we have asked and tried to answer in the sandbox project, where the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, the Equality and Discrimination Ombudsman (LDO) and Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) have studied and assessed a decision support system Ahus wants to develop. The tool is…
Read moreNORWEGIAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Six applied to the sandbox
The applications come from projects that want to explore highly topical topics on the AI front, such as chatbots, biometrics and marketing “The projects that have applied look very interesting, so I have no doubt that we will have another round of exciting exploration in the sandbox,” says sandbox programme manager Hallstein Husand. When the deadline expired on 1 February, there were six applications in the sandbox’s inbox. The applicants include both public and private organisations, large and small. Of…
Read moreTowards a future in the Privacy by Design and by Default sign? The uncertain future of cookies of third parties
The recollection and the processing of personal data for profiling and personalized market purposes is one, if not the major, pilar of the Digital Revolution. Giants of the 4.0 industry like Facebook and Google would never been arisen without the economic support given by the business model of the targeting advertising. In the last years, we have experienced to a lot of scandals provoked by “massive” personal data breaches, like in the recent case of LinkedIn, or by their use…
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