On 14 March 2023, the CNPD contributed to a workshop entitled “Cybersecurity in primary schools” organised by the Institut de formation de l’éducation nationale (IFEN) as part of the National Cybersecurity Strategy. The event, which took place on the university campus in Esch-Belval, allowed primary school teachers to learn about cybersecurity, media literacy, privacy rights and data protection. Vincent Legeleux, IT expert at the CNPD, spoke alongside Jacques Federspiel, IT security expert and trainer at BEE SECURE, Igor Loran, graduate psychologist with the Kanner-Jugendtelefon (KJT), and Steve Goedert,…
Read moreFRENCH SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: cyber month – the CNIL is compromised for the digital security
The cyber month is an annual event, which takes place during all October, it is organized by the French National Agency for the Security of Informatic System (ANSSI). In this occasion, the CNIL will organize webinar on the registration and passwords. Cyber month 2021 – news Cybersecurity, the keystone of personal data protection The GDPR is the only European text which impose cybersecurity obligation to professionals. 2/3 of the CNIL sanctions in 2020 will be for the lack of respect…
Read moreNEW ZEALAND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Privacy Commissioner issues first compliance notice to Reserve Bank of New Zealand
The Privacy Commissioner has today issued a compliance notice to the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, triggered by a cyber-attack in December 2020. This is the first time the Privacy Commissioner has issued a compliance notice since receiving these new powers in the Privacy Act 2020. The cyber-attack was a significant breach of one of the Bank’s security systems and raised the possibility of systemic weakness in the Bank’s systems and processes for protecting personal information. As part of the…
Read moreITALIAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Rider, the Privacy Authority sanctions Deliveroo Italy for 2.5 million euro
Usage little transparency of algorithms and disproportionate collection of workers’ data It is going ahead the action of the Privacy Authority to protect the data of workers of Italian food delivery platforms. The Authority has ordered Deliveroo Italy to pay a fine of 2.500.000 EUR to have unlawfully processed the personal data of 8000 rider. In order to be in order, the company will have to modify the processing of workers’ data in accordance, within the specified times, with the…
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