The personal data Protection Authority has adopted a provision which with has formally warned the Campania Region that the certification system of occurred vaccination, recovery or negativity – promoted by the Region as the necessary condition for the fruition of a lot of services like the touristic, hotel, wedding, transport and spectacles ones – is breaching the privacy legislation. The system is rules by an Ordinance made by the President of the Region which defers Regional Crisis Unit the definition of…
Read moreLATVIA SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: #DVI explains: “proof of vaccination or exposition to COVID-19”
Changes n.309 to the Regulation of the Council of Ministries n. 360 of the 9th of June 2020 adopted by the Council of Ministries on the 18th of May 2021 “Epidemiological security measures in order to limit the diffusion of the COVID-19 infection” (hereinafter the regulation) establishes that workplaces, artistic and sportive group until 20 individuals, as well as people that participate to a tv transmissions, if they have been vaccinated or have been inflected by the COVID-19 infections, shall…
Read moreFRENCH SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: the CNIL issues its opinion on the health card project for the access to large gatherings of people
On the 12th of May 2021, the CNIL has expressed it opinion on the health card project introduction for the access in specific public places where large gatherings of people are reunited. The CNIL asks that the legislation is clarified and that are provided additional guarantees. Main point The CNIL has given its opinion, under an extremely urgence, on the project of the government to introduce a heath card in order to regulate the access to specific places, establishments or…
Read moreNORWEGIAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: opinions on the covid passports
On the 5th of May the Health Ministry and Health Services has presented a law draft on the urgent consultation (which will expire on the 12th of May). The consultation refers to changes on the Law on protection from infection due to the implementation of the coronavirus passport. The proposal provides the authority to implement upcoming EU acts on so-called “digital green certificates”. The corona certificate will be based on a solution where information from the vaccine registry (SYSVAK) and…
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