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According to standard ISO/IEC 17024:2012
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According to standard ISO/IEC 17024:2012
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Medical certificates

EUROPEAN COUNCIL: Vaccine pass : yes, but with strict respect of Human rights

While it acknowledges the usefulness of means such as “vaccination passes” that are considered or already developed by some States, as well as the legitimacy of people’s wish to gain back some of the freedoms that were restricted due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the needs for the economy, the Committee of Convention 108 recalls that such developments should not preclude strict respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. In particular, no unjustified discrimination can occur based on the fact…

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Assessing carried out along the way, Corona pass in Alto Adige

It is about the 20th of April the announcement of the government of Alto Adige to the so-called Tyrol’s green pass. By an application for smartphone, by the scansion of a QR code that will permit to deduce if a consumer is “more or less immune”, he/she will gain the access to specific places. And the privacy? “privacy is guaranteed because the restaurateur can only see if the client is immune and not if he/she has been recovered, vaccinated or…

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Because they are breaching the GDPR: Covid-19 and Green certificates

Why can personal data processing carried out in the field of the usage of green digital certificates, under the decree law of the 22nd of April 2021, n. 52, breach the GDPR? Before getting into these technical questions we have to mention some considerations that once again underline a poor attitude to face problems with a holistic approach, by neglecting fundamental aspects that at the end they only waste your credibility to applicants. It was necessary the intervention of the…

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CYPRIOT SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Proof of Covid-19 receipts/certificates/certificates

The Authority as a response to any questions that it might receive on when a citizen has the obligation to show a certificate that he/she has been vaccinated or has a quick test or a PCR negative or that he/she has been infected and then cured by Covid-19, shall clarify the following: Certificates are health data and, pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation, shall be subjected to a better protection. Employees have the obligation to own certificates of negative…

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