Personal protection has published new rules on electronic monitoring, along with models for labels and related education. Guidelines have also been issued on the handling of e-mail, file zones and monitoring of Internet use.
Personal protection has issued new guidelines on electronic monitoring, no. 50/2023 . Along with the entry into force of the rules, the old rules no. 837/2006 on electronic monitoring and processing of personal data generated during electronic monitoring.
In the new rules for electronic monitoring, there has been a change from the older ones in that the special provisions on e-mail and internet use have been deleted. Instead, detailed guidelines have been prepared for the handling of e-mail, file zones and monitoring of Internet use . The instructions are based on the Act on Personal Protection and Processing of Personal Information, no. 90/2018, and the general privacy regulation, i.e. regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Personal protection has also prepared and published models for labels on electronic monitoring and a model for training that must be provided to the data subject when electronic monitoring is carried out. Labeling models are in accordance with the guidelines of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB), no. 3/2019 . The models are made with the aim of helping responsible parties to follow the requirements of the legislation regarding the necessary training when electronic monitoring is carried out.
You can also find detailed information about various things related to electronic monitoring, both for individuals , companies and institutions , under Questions and answers on the Personal Protection website.