Meta has announced that users of Facebook and Instagram will in future be able to use the services for free and at the same time receive ads based on less personal data than before. Today, users of Facebook and Instagram face the choice between accepting behavioral marketing or paying a monthly fee not to receive marketing (a so-called consent or pay model). Such models have been criticized because behavioral marketing, as the only alternative to payment, involves extensive monitoring of…
Read moreDANISH SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Brøndby Municipality receives serious criticism for lack of safety measures
The Danish Data Protection Authority has made a decision in a case where the Danish Data Protection Authority paid a physical inspection visit to Brøndby Municipality in the autumn of 2023. In the case, the Danish Data Protection Authority expressed serious criticism that Brøndby Municipality had not taken appropriate security measures. The Danish Data Protection Authority carried out an inspection visit to Brøndby Municipality in autumn 2023. The inspection focused on two central themes: The periodic control of access rights…
Read moreDANISH SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: is criticized for illegal processing of information about home owners
The Norwegian Data Protection Authority has completed its investigation of In its decision, the supervisory authority expresses criticism that the processing of information about home owners did not have a legal basis according to the data protection rules. In March 2024, the Danish Data Protection Authority initiated a case of its own initiative against Boliglag ApS regarding the processing of personal data on the website . The investigation was initiated on the basis of a number of complaints and inquiries…
Read moreDANISH SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: investigated the free primary schools’ processing of personal data
The Danish Data Protection Authority has completed a series of inspections of selected free primary schools, which dealt with the free primary schools’ processing of personal data and the handling of requests for access and deletion. The overall purpose of the inspection was to examine the schools’ processing of personal data, particularly with a focus on the disclosure of personal data, access and deletion. The supervision of the schools has given the Data Protection Authority an insight into the schools’…
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