We have provided consultation responses to the Norwegian Personal Protection Commission’s NOU report Your privacy – our joint responsibility. The Danish Data Protection Authority fully agrees that it is now high time to have a national privacy policy.
“The Personal Protection Commission has delivered a thorough, good and important report. We hope the NOU will be followed up with concrete measures that can strengthen privacy, both for the individual and for society as a whole“, says director Line Coll.
In particular, the report highlights the general tendency for digitalisation to come at the expense of privacy.
“The pervasive digitization in society underpins the importance of strengthened data supervision in Norway“, says Coll.
Three areas for immediate follow-up
Department director Jørgen Skorstad says that in the response to the consultation we have particularly highlighted three areas where we believe it is particularly important to take immediate action and follow-up:
- Privacy in schools and kindergartens
- Investigation of a ban on behaviour-based marketing
- Strengthening of the Norwegian Data Protection Authority
Good privacy is important in all sectors, which is also reflected in the report. However, important questions about the custody and justice sector have been left out.
“We have noticed that important areas within the defense and justice sectors have unfortunately not been interpreted as part of the Personal Protection Commission’s mandate. This means that we are now not having a necessary discussion about, for example, surveillance measures under the auspices of the secret services and organized collection of communication data“, says Skorstad.
The Norwegian Data Protection Authority has submitted a 16-page consultation opinion, in which we go through and comment on all chapters in the report.