By the end of January was the Italian Data Protection Authority, Antonello Soro, to raise controversies with a letter address to European Members about Tik Tok privacy problem, the social network used by million of users, most of them minors, that allow to produce and share images and videos, keeping in mind the epidemic period of Covid-19 the reply of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) did not take so long.
The EDPB that is the EU Board which joins all the European Privacy Authorities, has activated a specific task force for Tik Tok in order to control potential actions and acquire more information on personal data processing by social networks. This process was published by the same EDPB with the communications of the decisions that were adopted during the plenary section of the 10 June 2020.
In this letter sent to the Board on the last 24th January 2020, the Italian Data Protection Authority Soro, underlined that there were already some claims about the possible vulnerability of this app for smartphones and how the other Authorities like ICO in England and ETC in USA had already done some investigations.
Ahora, answering to the European German Member Moritz Korner (Renew Europe) on the chinese social network , EDPB remembered that he has issued guidelines and recommendations that all the data processor should keep in mind, saying that the GDPR is applicable to subject even if they are not established into the UE “when data processing activities are related to the offers of goods and services of people inside Union”.
We can see all the task force progress in the next few months, but right now Tik Tok is under investigation.