The European Commission has published information material in order to help the preparation of the principal changes made by Brexit during its transition period. In its communication, the Commission affirms that it will assess the adequacy level of personal data protection into the United Kingdom, that will apply the data protection legislation into third countries for a transitory period. The EC communication underlines the principles changes made up by Brexit that will take place after the transition period, regardless of…
Read moreBefore and after the transitional period, personal data and “Brexit”.
Since the 1 of January 2021, as we all know, by the end of the transitional period the United Kingdom will be processed as a third country (actually, on the legal plan, it is already processed since the 1 of February 2020), in particular in the light of the application of the personal data protection legislation. This means that the communication/transmission of data to subjects set out therein from european data controller or processor will be transformed in a operation…
Read moreBy the list of countries considered “appropriate”: the pandemic period will slow down the expansion.
The Article 45 of the GDPR establishes the possibility to transfer personal data in an extra EU and EEA country if and when the country receives an authorization from the European Commission by an “adequacy decision”. At the time, like we can dispute on the official website of the European Commission, there are twelve countries whose privacy framework has been considered comparable, respect to those protection standards, to the European’s one. South Korea is added to the list of these…
Read moreITALIAN SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY: Personal data protection memorial of the President on the conversion of the legislative decree to the Decree-law N. 125 of the 7 October 2020, about the emergency measures on the extension of the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency declaration and on the business continuity of the COVID-19 system alert, as well as the implementation of the European Directive n. 2020/739 of the 3 of June 2020.
1. The context and the previous measures of the Italian DPA. Firstly I would like to thank the Commission for the requested contribution, which it will permit to underline interesting profiles of the “contact tracing” realized by the national alert system referred into the Article n. 6 of the Decree-law n. 28 of 2020 converted, with amendments, by the Law n. 70 of 2020. The digital contact tracing theme, developed in Italy by the “immuni” app, has represented and also…
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